17/08/2020 - Pricing Model for Non Standard/Specialist Residential and Nursing Care Services

Decision Maker: Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Decision due date: 15/09/2020

Lead officer: Jo Pettifor

Notice of decision: 21/08/2020

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
It is not in the public interest to disclose this information because declaring financial modelling to suppliers would prevent the Authority from managing the market efficiently, which could cost it more. Legal advice is exempt from publication because it contains information which is subject to legal professional privilege and having regard to all the circumstances, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because the information sets out the legal implications inherent in the course of action proposed here, which the decision maker is arguably entitled to consider without the Council’s position being affected by consideration of those implications.

17/08/2020 - Procurement of Mortuary Services - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Decision due date: 15/09/2020

Lead officer: Jo Pettifor

Notice of decision: 17/08/2020

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
It is not in the public interest to disclose this information because it is commercially sensitive and to publish the financial details would prejudice contract negotiations

17/08/2020 - Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Decision due date: 15/09/2020

Lead officer: Jo Pettifor

Notice of decision: 17/08/2020

Anticipated restriction: Open

17/08/2020 - Procurement of Domestic Violence and Abuse Prevention Service - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Decision due date: 15/09/2020

Lead officer: Bethan Hopcraft

Notice of decision: 17/08/2020

Anticipated restriction: Open

17/08/2020 - Approval to tender for the Medilink bus service in 2020/21 - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Decision due date: 15/09/2020

Lead officer: Stephen Tough

Notice of decision: 17/08/2020

Anticipated restriction: Open

17/08/2020 - Approval to tender for Linkbus Services in 2020/21 - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Decision due date: 15/09/2020

Lead officer: Stephen Tough

Notice of decision: 17/08/2020

Anticipated restriction: Open

14/08/2020 - Transfer of Accountable Body function - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 31/08/2020

Lead officer: Adele Margetson

Notice of decision: 14/08/2020

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
It was not possible to give 28 days of this decision because delay would have a negative impact on the transfer and the achievements of aims and objectives of the Midlands Engine.

13/08/2020 - Assignment of Lease and Deed of Variation - Project Albert

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder or Leader's Key Decision

Decision due date: Not before 14/08/2020

Lead officer: Bevis Mackie

Notice of decision: 13/08/2020

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The decision is urgent and the business cannot be deferred because the tenant has been placed into administration. An application by a prospective tenant has been submitted to take assignment of the lease subject to variations to lease terms. The Council is to confirm whether it to proceed with the applicant by no later noon 14th August 2020.

07/08/2020 - To declare surplus and sell 17.42 acres of commercial development land at Firth Way, Bulwell (former Blenheim allotments site) - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 21/08/2020

Lead officer: Jeremy Bryce

Notice of decision: 07/08/2020

03/08/2020 - Transfer of Midland Engine Accountable Body function to Staffordshire County Council - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 31/08/2020

Lead officer: Adele Margetson

Notice of decision: 03/08/2020