Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Financing arrangements25/06/2019UrgentFor DeterminationNot before 03/07/2019
Formalising the occupation of the Harvey Road Works Depot by Nottingham City Homes by way of a new lease - Key Decision25/06/2019For DeterminationNot before 30/07/2019
Cleaning provision for 24 multi academy sites across Nottinghamshire18/06/2019UrgentFor DeterminationNot before 28/06/2019
Proposed extension to the current PSPO's in respect of dogs within the City Council's administrative area -KEY DECISON17/06/2019For Determination16/07/2019
Loan to Nottingham City Homes Enterprise Limited for the acquisition of Market rent property acquisitions - KEY DECSION17/06/2019For Determination16/07/2019
Approvals in relation to the expansion of Nethergate Academy - KEY DECISION17/06/2019For Determination16/07/2019