06/05/2020 - 'Children at the Heart' Improvement Plan - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 15/05/2020

Lead officer: Debbie Hemsley

Notice of decision: 06/05/2020

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
This decision could not be included on a 28 Day Notice becasue the Improvement Plan is a response to two priority actions that followed an Ofsted focused visit during February 2020, which must be addressed before an Ofsted return visit during Autumn 2020. Swift action is needed to secure a demonstrable impact on outcomes for children in the City, so the Plan and phased funding should be implemented as soon as possible to ensure that practice improvement is visible upon the Ofsted return visit.

28/04/2020 - Deed of Variation, North Lincs Retail Park - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: 06/05/2020

Lead officer: Beverley Gouveia

Notice of decision: 28/04/2020

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The item could not be included on the 28 Day Notice because the decision to proceed with the Deed of Variation has been made and was done so in conjunction with the Director of Property, the Corporate Director for Development & Growth and the Directors of Legal and Finance. Failure to make a decision at the time would have resulted in significant financial loss to the Council.