ePetition details

Fly the Palestinian Flag over the Council House

We the undersigned petition the council to Acknowledge the huge support for Palestine in our diverse community by flying the flag of Palestine over the Council House. .

Nottingham City Council has previously flown the flag of Ukraine in solidarity with Ukraine. We ask that the same is done for the people of Palestine where over 30,000 have been killed, of which approximately 13,000 are children.

We believe that by flying the flag of Palestine, Nottingham City Council can show its commitment for peace and justice, a desire held by the people of Nottingham.

As Nottingham Labour states, ‘There is no justification for the loss of innocent lives. As this war and bloodshed continues, thousands of lives are being lost. This is wholly unacceptable’.

On Wednesday 24th April 2024, it will mark 200 days of bombardment suffered by the people of Palestine.

Together, we the people of Nottingham, must send a message of solidarity to the Palestinian people.

We request that the City Council fly the Palestinian flag over the Council House as was done for Ukraine

Started by: Ghulam Din

This ePetition ran from 19/04/2024 to 30/05/2024 and has now finished.

2 people signed this ePetition.