ePetition details

100% Plant Based Council Catering

We the undersigned petition the council to 1. Commit to 100% plant based catering for internal catered events and meetings, as opposed to simply offering limited options and continuing to serve high emission animal products 2. Promote and encourage plant based options wherever the council has influence (schools, public cafes, leisure centres etc) 3. Develop education and outreach programmes to inform and encourage the public on plant-based eating 4. Aim to support local fruit, vegetable and grain farmers by promoting low emission local produce

Plant Based Councils is a nationwide campaign to encourage and help UK councils commit to fully plant based catering.
It is a simple ask that would make a huge difference; we are looking for a motion to be passed at full council for 100% plant based food at catered council events, to promote a move away from meat and dairy and towards plant based eating as a form of climate action.
Other councils throughout the UK have already committed to very similar motions: for example Oxfordshire County Council, Lewisham Borough Council, Faversham Town Council, Cambridge City Council, Exeter City Council and Oxford City Council. These councils are either serving or currently transitioning to serving only plant based foods at all internal events.
Plant based meals are inclusive, cost effective and promote a healthy and varied diet as well as the environmental benefits

Started by: Sam Wessell (Plant Based Councils)

This ePetition runs from 29/04/2024 to 31/12/2024.

34 people have signed this ePetition.