Issue details

Delegated Authority Projects and Ward Councillor Budgets

This report advises the Area Committee of the use of delegated authority by the Corporate Director for Commercial and Operations for the financial year 2016/17, and the Ward Councillors Revenue Budget allocation for 2016/17.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Bridge; Clifton North; Clifton South;

Decision due: 16 Nov 2016 by Area 8 Committee

Department: Commercial & Operations

Contact: Prairie Bryant, Neighbourhood Development Officer Email:; Email:; Email: Email:, Abdul Ghaffar, Neighbourhood Development Officer Email:, Parbinder Singh, Neighbourhood Action Officer Email:

Agenda items


  • Delegated Authority Projects and Ward Councillor Budgets  
  • Delegated Authority Projects and Ward Councillor Budgets