Issue details

Winter Pressures Funding - Key Decision

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, Income or Savings = £750k or more;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/11/2018

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
‘The meeting is urgent and the business cannot be deferred because…’This grant has been allocated and needs to be spent in 2018/19. To align with the grant conditions it has been necessary to agree the scope and spend with partners, this has taken some time and has now been finalised. In order to spend the budget by 31 March 2019 the spend needs to commence next week (3 December 2018) otherwise the underspend will have to be returned to Central Government.

Decision due: Not before 30th Nov 2018 by Executive Member or Leader's Key Decision

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Corporate Director for Children and Adults

Department: Children and Adults

Contact: Clare Gilbert Email: