Issue details

Changing Futures award for people experiencing Severe and Multiple Disadvantage

This report requests approvals in relation to the acceptance and use of funding awarded by the government and the Big Lottery for the delivery of Nottingham's Changing Futures programme.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, Income or Savings = £750k or more;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 14 Sep 2021 by Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Adults and Health

Department: Finance and Resources

Contact: Bobby Lowen, Lead Commissioning Manager Email:; 0115 876 3571 Email: Tel: 01158763571.

Agenda items


  • Receipt and use of Changing Futures award for people experiencing Severe and Multiple Disadvantage  
  • Receipt and use of Changing Futures award for people experiencing Severe and Multiple Disadvantage