Issue details

EE Monitor & Customer Relationship Management Systems Tender

EE Monitor manufacturer supplier and developer and Customer Relationship Management system tender. We are seeking approval to proceed to go out to tender for both of these items and for the Delegation of authority to the Director of Carbon Reduction, Energy & Sustainability to procure and execute the contracts in accordance with the Council’s constitution for both items after successful tender processes have concluded.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 11 Oct 2022 by Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Lead member: PH - Cllr Sally Longford

Department: Development and Growth

Contact: David Nicoll 07548 159143 Email:

Agenda items


  • EE Monitor & Customer Relationship Management Systems Tender  
  • EE Monitor & Customer Relationship Management Systems Tender