Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/03/2023
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
The decision is urgent and the business cannot be delayed as the DWP formal notification for this grant was not made with sufficient notice to enable this decision to follow the normal council reporting process, in time for the distribution of support for Easter holiday period to be made successfully. The council has continued to provide holiday support to its vulnerable children to tackle the current cost of living crisis, providing supermarket vouchers to 18,500 FSM eligible children since the commencement of the Household Support Fund. The schools will need to distribute vouchers directly to parents in advance of the commencement of the easter holiday commencing 3rd April 2023, meaning that the vouchers need to be obtained and distributed to schools week commencing 27th March 2023 at the latest.
Decision due: Not before 17th Mar 2023 by Executive Member or Leader's Key Decision
Lead member: Leader of the Council
Lead director: Corporate Director for People
Department: People
Contact: Lee Kimberley Email: Email: