The Nottingham City Council Procurement
Strategy 2018-2023 (the Strategy) drives the use of the
Council’s spending power to drive our key strategic
objectives of: Citizens at the heart; Securing economic, social and
environmental benefits and Commercial efficiency. This report
presents the outcomes and achievements delivered under the Strategy
in its fifth year 2022-23, (detailed in Appendix 1) and over the
five years of the Strategy 2018-23 (detailed in Appendix 2).
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 11 Jul 2023 by Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Finance and HR
Department: Finance and Resources
Contact: Jo Pettifor Jo Pettifor, Category Manager, Email:; telephone 01158765026 Email: