Issue details

Retendering of the offsite storage service

Approval is sought to re-tender for the operation of an existing contract (with significant modifications) for the offsite storage service which provides for the physical storage of records owned by Nottingham City Council (NCC). The service has been supplied by Box-it North Midlands since 2010 when staff moved to Loxley House. The Information Compliance Team administer the service on behalf of teams across NCC.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, Income or Savings = £750k or more;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 12 Dec 2023 by Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee

Lead member: Councillor Audra Wynter

Department: Finance and Resources

Contact: Eileen Hudson, Principal Records Officer 0115 876 1431 Email:, Alison Liversidge Email:

Agenda items


  • Retendering of the offsite storage service  
  • Retendering of the offsite storage service