28 Day Executive Notice

General Exception Notice - Education Catering contract for Odyssey Collaborative Trust - 31/01/2020  (31/01/2020 to 13/02/2020, Leader's Key Decision - Notice)

Notice items
No. Item


Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for Odyssey Collaborative Trust New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member or Leader's Key Decision

Decision due:   Not before 13th Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Lee Kimberley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2020

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
This item could not be included on the 28 day notice because this would impact on the commencement of the contract and risk the overall contract. Time is required to enable the effective TUPE transfer of employees to take place and the mobilisation plan for the commencement of the contract to be implemented successfully as per the submitted bid.