Agenda item



Eddy Curry, Head of Parks and Open Spaces, presented a report which updated the Committee on the integrated landscape and park plan which is the subject of a Heritage lottery bid.


(a)  approximately 12,000 m2 of silt are to be removed from the lake and  treated before used elsewhere in the park. The most sustainable option to deal with the silt is to build a gentle mound beside the play park and use the remainder of it on site as much as possible;


(b)  new signage is to be created throughout the park in a 1930s type face with City Council branding;


(c)  consideration will be given to rebuilding the boathouse which will then be used for lifeguards;


(d)  it is planned that the main entrance to the park, including railings to the lake,  balustrades and bridges will be restored;


(e)  there will be a new entrance created at the tram stop;


(f)  there is a holistic tree management program which will result in some trees being removed and some new planting to ensure the historic views in the park are re-established;


(g)  the Rhododendron Walk will be restored with species mapped and specialist advice on how to progress, including training of site gardeners;


(h)  a new park ranger and head gardener posts are to be established specifically for the park;


(i)  training and development will be built into the procurement framework and will include opportunities for young people to train;


(j)  funds are not available to replace the paddling pool, so the space will be used to encourage bio-diversity in an area where the park ranger can work with children;


(k)  at a cost of £120,000 it is not yet possible to restore the Maid Marion boat, but restoring it remains an aspiration for a future programme;


(l)  the bluebell wood on the steep embankment will have some trees removed and consideration given to incorporating bulb planting;


(m)  there is a statutory duty to have regard to wildlife during all the works so nothing will happen during the nesting season and biodiversity is a top priority.


Some Councillors requested that a replacement paddling pool be considered in future plans and indicated that a contribution to funding may be available for individual Ward Councillor Budgets.


The committee welcomed the report and the extensive work of the parks and open spaces team to improve the park of its facilities, noting that the new tram line will also attract further use.




(1)  to approve the Highfield Park Landscape Restoration Project, including the maintenance and management plan, activity plan and stage 2 of the bid as detailed in the report;


(2)  to delegate authority to the Director of Sport Culture And Parks, to continue the preparation and submission of the stage 2 bid in August 2014 on behalf the Highfields Leisure Trust;


(3)  that subject to the receipt of the stage 2 pass from the Heritage Lottery Fund - Parks for People Restoration and Improvement projects stage to application, to approve delegation of authority to the Director of Sport, Culture and Art, to continue to develop working designs and to go out to tender and there after subject to such tenders being within the available financial envelope, to enter into contracts relating to the delivery of the restoration works.

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