Agenda and draft minutes

City Council (Extraordinary)
Monday, 5th August, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - at the Council House. View directions

Contact: Jane Garrard, Senior Governance Officer  01158764315

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Councillor Steve Battlemuch – leave

Councillor Kevin Clarke - leave

Councillor Patience Ifediora - leave

Councillor Helen Kalsi - leave

Councillor Angela Kandola – personal

Councillor Fozia Mubashar - leave

Councillor Eunice Regan - leave

Councillor Samina Riaz - unwell


Declarations of Interests




Appointment of a new Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service and Proper Officer for Electoral Registration and Returning Officer of the Council pdf icon PDF 289 KB

Report of the Chair of the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee


Councillor Neghat Khan proposed the report setting out a recommendation from the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee to appoint Sajeeda Rose as the Council’s Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service and Proper Officer for Electoral Registration and Returning Officer.  The report was seconded by Councillor Ethan Radford.


Resolved to:


(1)  note the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee’s activity to identify a preferred candidate for the post of Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service and Proper Officer for Electoral Registration and Returning Officer of the Council;


(2)  appoint Sajeeda Rose as Nottingham City Council Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service and Proper Officer for Electoral Registration and Returning Officer, as recommended by the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee; and


(3)  note that the salary agreed is within the range approved by Council.




Nottingham City Council Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 260 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


Councillor Neghat Khan, Leader of the Council, proposed the report recommending an Improvement Plan to address the issues and challenges which led to the current Commissioner-led intervention and to respond to the actions required by Commissioners. She highlighted that the Council is in a challenging position and needs to change quickly.  The Improvement Plan is the mechanism for delivering the fundamental change necessary to become financially sustainable and this will involve new ways of delivery and stopping doing some things.  Everyone will need to play their part in delivering the Plan.  Executive Board considered the Improvement Plan at its meeting on 16 July 2024 and recommended its approval by Council.  The report was seconded by Councillor Ethan Radford. During the debate the following points were made:


a)  It is recognised that the Council needs to change and the Plan sets out a range of positive activity to do that, including opportunities to learn from others.


b)  While the Council accepts responsibility for its own failings, it is operating in the context of significant cuts to funding from Government over many years and years of austerity in public services which has had an impact on demand for some services.  The Council needs to speak up for the City at a national level and challenge the level of local government funding and expectations about what a local authority should do and how it should deliver it.


c)  It is important for councillors to provide scrutiny and challenge to delivery of the Plan, and the Council needs to be better at holding to account.  The overview and scrutiny and audit functions provide opportunity to do this.


d)  The Council wants to get to a position where Government intervention and Commissioners are not required.


e)  It is important for the Council to be citizen-focused, and it needs to ensure that it really listens to and works together with citizens.  The listening exercises referred to in the Plan need to be carried out in a meaningful and inclusive way and councillors need to be part of that.


f)  The Plan continues many of the themes of the Together for Nottingham Plan, and some activity referred to in the Plan is already underway.  The hard work that is taking place to deliver change is recognised, but there is more to do.


g)  Significant increases in Council Tax would be difficult for many citizens, and consideration of this is linked to decisions about the future use of Exceptional Financial Support from Government. The Plan is really important in getting the Council to a position of financial stability.


h)  The focus on improving the effectiveness of risk management is welcome as, despite work that has taken place in recent years, there is more to do.


Resolved to approve the Nottingham City Council Improvement Plan, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, as the Council’s overarching improvement plan in response to the Commissioner-led intervention.


Motion in the name of Councillor Corall Jenkins pdf icon PDF 188 KB


In accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Lord Mayor agreed that this item could be considered as a matter of urgency to allow a response to the demonstrations which took place in Nottingham City on Saturday 3 August 2024.


Councillor Corall Jenkins moved the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Saj Ahmad:


Nottingham City Council conveys profound sorrow over the devastation suffered by the residents of Southport this past week since the tragic murders of Elsie Dot Stancombe, aged seven, Alice Dasilva Aguiar, aged nine, and Bebe King, aged six.  The Council acknowledges the injuries sustained by many others, who will be forever marked by this tragedy, and extends a heartfelt message of support for their recovery and long-term care.  The rampant criminality by the far right that has followed this incident has only added to the suffering of the people of Southport and enhanced division and fear amongst communities across the United Kingdom.  Nottingham City Council condemns the Islamophobic violence from those that have targeted places of worship, incited racial hatred, caused damage to property and injured Police. We condemn those who have tried to divide our communities and who single out our Muslim communities and refugees in particular.  The far right consistently exploit high-profile incidents as well as the general decline of living standards through austerity to peddle their hateful rhetoric and violence. Not only should we challenge this head-on but we should fight to improve things for everyone in our community to offer hope and unity.

The Council resolves to:

·  write to the Leader of Metropolitan Borough of Sefton Council to offer our condolences;

·  thank Nottinghamshire Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for their appropriate handling of protests in Nottingham;

·  thank Community Protection Officers for reassuring local communities;

·  thank NHS staff who have been treating those who have been injured;

·  send a letter from the Leader and Chief Executive to staff to offer reassurance;

·  thank our Cleansing Team for clearing up the City Centre after the demonstration;

·  work with the Police and Crime Commissioner to address future risks;

·  continue to promote community cohesion within Nottingham;

·  condemn the far right, racism and discrimination in all its forms; and

·  ensure Mosques in Nottingham are supported by the new rapid response process announced by the Home Secretary.

During the debate the following points were made:


a)  The Council stands alongside all those affected by this situation.


b)  Nottingham is a diverse city where all are welcome and promotes community cohesion.  There is good work taking place to support refugees and asylum seekers in the city, but more that can be done.


c)  The families and friends of the girls who died in Southport should have had the opportunity for public and private grief.  This was taken away by the demonstrations and protests which have taken place by people using this tragic event as an excuse to attack others.


d)  The targeting of minority communities, including people who have come to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.