Venue: LB 31 - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Mark Leavesley
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Councillor Morris ) Councillor Norris ) other Council business Councillor Steel )
Councillor Ali ) personal Councillor Wildgust ) |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS If you need any advice on declaring an interest, please contact the Constitutional Services Officer above, if possible before the day of the meeting Minutes: None. |
Last meeting held on 12 May 2014 (for confirmation) Minutes: The Committee confirmed the minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2014 as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair. |
Report of Corporate Director of Communities Additional documents:
Minutes: Angela Rawson, Licensing Manager, presented the report of the Director of Community Protection, which summarised the responses received to the public consultation on the proposed introduction of a Late Night Levy Scheme for the City. She stated that the introduction of a levy allows the Licensing Authority to charge any late night alcohol supply venue a prescribed fee to help offset the cost of policing the night-time economy.
Mrs Rawson asked the Committee to consider and indicate whether it supported the proposed amended scheme being referred to Council (as the Licensing Authority) for approval.
The Committee considered the report and the oral presentation and Mrs. Rawson and Peter Mitchell, the Head of Permits, Licensing and Regulation, clarified points raised by members of the Committee.
RESOLVED that the proposal to introduce a Late Night Levy Scheme in the terms detailed below be referred to Council for approval:
(a) that the Levy:
• will apply from 1 November 2014; • will be charged to premises that are authorised to sell alcohol at any time between 00:01 – 06:00 hours; • that there will be an exemption for premises falling within the following categories, as defined in Regulation 4 of the Late Night Levy (Expenses, Exemptions and Reductions) Regulations 2012:
(i) premises with overnight accommodation; (ii) theatres and cinemas; (iii) bingo halls; (iv) community amateur sports clubs; (v) community premises; (vi) premises which are a member of a BID established for relevant purposes; (vii) premises which only become liable for the Levy by virtue of their being permitted to supply alcohol for consumption on the premises on 1st January in every year;
(b) that the funds raised, net of the administration costs incurred by the Licensing Authority, be split 30/70 between the Licensing Authority and the Police respectively;
(c) that the Licensing Authority’s portion of the funding be used for the establishment of two night time Community Protection Officer posts, to be used throughout the City to support the prevention of crime and disorder caused by the night time economy during the hours of the Levy.