Agenda and minutes

Nottingham Local Access Forum
Wednesday, 11th April, 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions

Contact: Zena West  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Katie France

Councillor Brian Grocock – other Council business




The Chair informed the Forum that David Hunt and Kayleigh Dickenson have resigned from the Forum and that today would be Roger Sexton’s last meeting as he was retiring. Parting members were thanked for their previous contributions. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Minutes of the last meeting held 10 January 2018


The minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2018 are agreed and it is noted that the HS2 Officers who attended the last meeting had joined a Best Foot Forward (walking for health) walk around Strelley arranged through Liz Cordle.




"Let's Keep Nottingham Moving" - Road Space Transformation

Presentation from John Bann, Transport Strategy, Nottingham City Council


John Bann, Cycling and Road Space Transformation Manager within the City Council’s Transport Strategy Team, delivered a verbal update on the walking and cycling element of the all-transport initiative ‘Let’s Keep Nottingham Moving’.


The following points were included and responses provided to questions:


(a)  A number of cycling schemes funded by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEC), are nearing the end of a 3 year period, during which achievements have included completion of major projects within the City including the Daleside Road, Castle Boulevard as well as expanding and promoting existing cycle routes through the City Centre, links to QMC and the University;


(b)  It is as a result of these and other initiatives, that cycling has increased by 16% in the City, but further work can be done and as of 2015, Nottingham aims to double cycling in the City by 2025. Currently cycling is at 4-5% of work journeys in the City but it is believed that there is potential in the future  to increase beyond 20% if examples of European Cities can be emulated where cycling can regularly be 30%;


(c)  John Bann and his colleagues have visited other Cities to learn from their successful approaches to increasing cycling and walking, including Bristol which has been named as a ‘Cycling City’ by Central Government. It is noted that the success of schemes may not be fully apparent until 3-4 years after completion so the success of schemes in Nottingham to date is very encouraging;


(d)  External funding is constantly  sought to further enable development of cycling facilities and promote the cycling culture. To ensure that cycling is considered in future strategies and developments, a ‘City Cycle Design  Guide’ has been produced. If appropriately sited, it is believed that where cycling facilities are provided, they will be used. This has been evidenced by the Castle Boulevard cycle corridor where cyclist use has increased by 50%. As a result, of providing the route, cycling on the canal tow path has significantly reduced which has resulted in that route becoming more attractive to walkers;


(e)  The Road Space Transformation around the Broadmarsh development is currently high profile as the roads around it will change and result in traffic displacement when areas are pedestrianised. Providing the best possible pedestrian and cycle access is important for the development, as is ensuring that that any proposed routes easily link into existing networks;


(f)  Working within the City Centre is a challenge as there is often little capacity for alterations, but a temporary cycle and pedestrian route across the ‘Island Site’ has been agreed to provide a smooth connection between the Link Road at Sneinton to Station Street. However, once the development of the site starts, access will be withdrawn but a guarantee has been gained that appropriate cycle and pedestrian access will be provided through the completed development;


(g)  The majority of cycle schemes have, to date, focused on the east and south of the City due to the many steep inclines  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Update from the Walks sub group


Liz Cordle updated the Forum on the activity of the Walks Sub-Group since the last meeting, which is summarised as follows:


(a)  Ian Bussey has been working in developing a Carrington, Sherwood, Daybrook walk, which is interesting and varied. This includes providing a route map or directions for the 3-4 mile north to south walk. Ideally there will be a balance of information on points of interest and local history;


(b)  It would be possible to include a led walk in the schedule of the Sherwood Arts Week in June, similar to, if not actually Ian’s walk, even if it were prior to Ian’s walk launch date, as a promotion. However, it would be advisable to limit pre-booked numbers to approximately 25 people on health and safety grounds.




(1)  that once the walk description is completed, Ian Bussey liaise with John Lee to confirm the final format for the walk map for the Walk Leaflet;


(2)  to aim for the final version to be available for the Sherwood Arts Festival which starts on Monday 18 June 2018.



Update from the Planning sub group


Margaret Knowles provided an update on the activity of the Planning Sub-Group:


(a)  two training sessions have taken place. The first training, given by Lisa Guest, Principal Officer Highway Development Management and John Lee, had proved very interesting and helpful. John Lee gave the training on the second day second which focused on a practical approach and how group members could best apply the Forum’s aims by focusing comments on planning permissions to larger issues where the Group’s contribution will make the most difference;


(b)  the second training session focused on specific planning applications including a residential development site at Clifton West and improving an existing bridleway link;


(c)  The notes of the training have been circulated and a rota agreed for the current 8 sub-group members to review planning applications. It is proposed that if a significant planning application is made, other members of the forum with specialist knowledge will be invited to make comments;


(d)  The new “Local Plan” has now been approved by full Council but a date is yet to be confirmed for the independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate. Members of the Forum will be informed of the date and venue, which is likely to be held in Nottingham.




(1)  for the training flow-chart to be circulated to the forum with the initial publication of the minutes;


(2)  for John Lee to inform members of the Forum the date/venue for the Local Plan examination.



Update from the Definitive Maps sub group


Nick Hynes provided an update on the activity of the Definitive Maps Sub Group:


(a)  The initial meeting of the group had proved useful and some progress had been made on the Bridlesmith Walk application for a definitive map modification order. Chris Thompson will provide further information at a future meeting;


(b)  Nick was due to visit Bromley House Library but this has been postponed due to a flood in the building (the maps were not damaged). Members of the Forum will be informed when a new date is agreed and will be welcome to join Nick.


RESOLVED to note the update.



Update from the Local Neighbourhoods and Environment sub group


The sub-group undertook a thorough litter pick on a section of Sneinton Greenway and collected a substantial amount of litter. Passers-by made welcome and encouraging comments and thanked the group for their work. It is proposed to do another litter pick at the Racecourse Road and Bendigo Lane end. Before and after photographs will be taken and Network Rail will be engaged regarding the amount of litter of their land.


It is suggested that the Chair contact the Ward Councillors to consider holding the litter pick to coincide with community litter picks, which take place on the last Saturday of each month.


The local group ‘Honour our Heritage’ has undertaken a very successful clearance of vegetation and litter on the ‘Long Stairs’, an ancient footpath linking the Lace Market to Narrow Marsh, with before and after photos taken and publicised by the Nottingham Post and City Council’s ‘Clean and Green Nottingham’. Funding will now be sought for a plaque to mark this ancient footway which can be traced back to the 1100’s.


Further litter picks will be arranged and publicised to try and raise the profile of the group and any further suggestions would be welcomed by the Chair. 


It is suggested that the culture of littering is addressed and members of the Group commented that it would be interesting to see if the recent awareness campaign by David Attenborough, along with the on-going City Council anti-litter/citizen environmental improvement campaigns such as ‘Clean Champions’, would have an impact on the amount of litter dropped, but also product manufacturers with regard to packaging.


Dog fouling is an on-going issue and although the law may have changed that owners can be fined if they walk their dog without carrying poop bags, some people aren’t actually using the bags for this purpose or are using them but not properly disposing of them.




(1)  to note the update and positive reaction from communities in which litter picks had taken place;


(2)  for the Chair to liaise with Sneinton Ward Councillors to discuss the possibility of holding a litter pick to co-inside with Councillors’ surgeries;


(3)  for any further ideas to promote the LAF to be passed to the Chair.



Public rights of way improvement schemes and orders

John Lee, Traffic Policy and Delivery, Nottingham City Council


John Lee, Senior Rights of Way Officer gave a brief presentation with highlighted plans of proposed public rights of way improvement schemes and orders which include the following:


(a)  Clifton West housing Development. This has been included in the Local Plan for several years and is proposed for a substantial residential site with proposed access points linking to cul-de-sacs on the adjoining estate. There have been objections from local residents;


(b)  Island Site. The work to construct the ‘permissive’ foot and cycle path across the site, between The Great Northern Close and City Link will be completed within the next couple of months;


(c)  Knight’s Close housing development (off Old Farm Road, Top Valley). As a result of the proposed housing development, a public footpath will need to be stopped up but the entrance to the subway, which is well used by school children, will be improved;


(d)  Former Police Station housing development, Meadows Way. An area of footway and footpath will need to be stopped up and further discussions are required with the Nottingham Express Tram Ltd regarding implications on tram infrastructure.  Further details will be circulated to Forum members once available.


The Chair suggested that with regard to the Clifton West development, it may be beneficial to liaise with the Wildlife Trust to consider if any joint concerns should be raised regarding the impact of the development on the woods behind the site.


RESOLVED to note the update.



Update on the foot / cycle bridge proposals, Lady Bay to Trent Lane

Hugh McClintock, Pedals, and John Rhodes, Trent Park Developments Ltd


Hugh McClintock and John Rhodes provided the following update on the developing proposals for a cycle/ foot bridge across the Trent between Lady Bay and Trent Lane.


There has been a change to the Blueprint Regeneration Plans which has meant that the original proposal has changed and the bridge may now be sited upstream, nearer to the Trent Basin. However, nothing has been finalised and further work is required on how the bridge will link and support the wider cycle/footpath network. A meeting will take place to decide how to raise interest and awareness with local groups and residents.


A lot has been learnt from the experiences of planning and building the Diglis Bridge in Worcester and the London project in Canary Wharf, both have been watched closely and received a lot of public support.


RESOLVED to note the update.



Suggestions for future Agenda items


Members of the Forum requested that Health Partners continue to be invited to the meeting to discuss the mutual benefit of jointly promoting the health benefits of walking and cycling and the easy to access and interesting options available locally.


Ridewise are doing valuable work promoting cycle routes, including for safe children’s cycling so would be interesting to invite to a future meeting.


The LAF needs to raise its profile and promote its work more. Councillor Sally Longford suggested she would ask the communications and media team within the Traffic Section to speak to the group about the most effective promotion approaches.




(1)  for Hugh McClintock to invite a representative of Ridewise to the June meeting of the Forum;


(2)  for Councillor Sally Longford to contact the communications and media team



Any other business


Through the Council’s ‘Active 10’ programme, which promotes 10 minutes of activity every day, more LAF Leaflets have been printed for the Clifton and the Lenton and Park walks.


Community Protection Officers are consulting on using a Public Spaces Protection Orders at Dane Court, St Ann’s. The Chair and Vice Chairs have been consulted.


The membership of the Local Neighbourhoods and Environmental Sub-Group needs to be confirmed but can be done outside of the meeting, although any member of the Forum can take part in the litter picks.


With the retirement of several members, it is suggested that another round of recruitment takes place over summer.




(1)  for John Lee to ask colleagues working on the ‘Active 10’ initiative to attend a future meeting;


(2)  for Ruth Thurgood to confirm the membership of the NL&E Subgroup;


(3)  for John Lee to prepare a recruitment poster for distribution to members at the July Meeting.