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Contact: Zena West Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Liz Cordle Councillor Dave Liversidge, Ken Marsden Laura Marshall Ruth Thurgood (Chair) Councillor Jane Urquhart Hilary Yates
In the absence of Ruth Thurgood, Hugh McClintock chaired the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
To agree the minutes of the meeting held 11 April 2018 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held 11 April 2018 were confirmed as correct.
The Sneinton litter pick will be held on 28 July, combined with a litter pick by local councillors. Further details will be sent to interested parties closer to the time. It will start at the Sneinton community centre at 11:15am, with the litter pick itself starting from the racecourse road end. |
GDPR Implications for the Local Access Forum Zena West, Governance Officer Minutes: Zena West, clerk to the Nottingham Local Access Forum, updated members on GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) implications. When a new member joins the Local Access Forum, their contact details will be stored by the Local Access Forum administrators (Nottingham City Council’s Constitutional Services Team, and John Lee) for the purpose of communicating regarding Local Access Forum meetings and news only. Contact details will not be shared with any third party, or publicly within minutes without consent.
Anyone who wishes to view the agenda and minutes using the app can contact Zena West for further information: |
Ridewise Presentation Presentation by Ian Hutchinson, Head Instructor, Ridewise Minutes: This item was deferred. |
Long Stairs Update from Janine Tanner of Honour or Heritage on the recent clean up at Long Stairs Minutes: This item was deferred. |
Additional Item: Sustaining Urban Habitat Project (Fieldwork Briefing) PDF 528 KB Minutes: The Chair agreed to an additional item, which was not on the original agenda. The slides will be circulated with the original publication of the minutes.
Huong Le and Amanda Winter, researchers from the University of Nottingham, presented a report to the Forum on their project regarding environmental efficiencies in cities, highlighting the following points:
(a) the research project will look at different simulations around energy efficiency and energy demand, whilst also looking at people and policies and how those factors interact. Two cities are being used in the case studies, Nottingham and Shanghai – comparative case studies with different political contexts. The Shanghai research will start in the Autumn, and Huong and Amanda can come back to update the Forum when the research is complete;
(b) in Nottingham, air pollution is an invisible problem, but it is still concerning and still has some community activism. The issue is much more visible in China, but is also relatively much improved, so it is not seen as a problem anymore. In Shanghai, often air pollution is deemed to be worth the economic improvement;
(c) the researchers will talk to those involved with air pollution, in relation to different issues such as public transport, austerity context, technology and data.
A number of questions were asked by the Forum, and further information was provided:
(d) there will be a good balance between the type of people interviewed for the project, talking to as many people as possible within the research timeframe and available resources;
(e) the effect of national policies, such as DEFRA’s Clean Air Zone, will also be evaluated, as well as international policies such as those from the EU and the WHO;
(f) local business with an interest may also be interviewed;
(g) updates will be available soon. The project has funding for around 18 months.
RESOLVED to thank Huong Le and Amanda Winter for the update, and to contact them (via John Lee - if anyone is interested in taking part in the research interviews. |
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Workshop PDF 5 MB Report from Liz Cordle and Hugh McClintock Additional documents:
Minutes: Hugh McClintock gave a brief summary of the recent Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP) Workshop recently held in Derby, attending by Liz Cordle and Hugh. Presentations and notes from the workshop, and the draft comments from the Local Access Forum were circulated with the Local Access Forum agenda. The following points were highlighted:
(a) the workshop were divided into groups, with representatives from user groups and Local Authorities. The focus is on providing feedback on missing links in cycling and walking infrastructure;
(b) a lot of important data was gathered on developing future networks and corridors, but it was recognised that we must also take account of existing gaps. For walkers, missing links are less obvious, things like dangerous crossings, paths which need improving or extending etc. The project will identify corridors for improvement, linking different routes together, rather than identifying specific designs. There will be a focus on travel to employment but it will no doubt help leisure travel as well;
(c) the draft comments from the Forum to submit to the consultancy team (circulated with the agenda) were summarised.
There followed a number of questions and comments from the Forum, and some additional information was provided:
(d) there was a lot of discussion at the workshop surrounding air quality, and cycle or walking routes to schools. This can be emphasized in the comments submitted;
(e) a final version will be circulated to interested parties before submission.
RESOLVED to thanks Hugh McClintock for the update, and note the contents. |
Update from the Walks sub group Minutes: Ian Bussey and Katie France updated the Forum on the Walks sub group, highlighting the following points:
(a) a successful walk was held for Sherwood Art Week, roughly following the route in the draft Sherwood and Carrington walks leaflet, though with a shorter north to south stretch to fit more easily on to a printed map. The safety of some junctions with no formal crossing points was also an issue, so the route had to be altered at these points as well. Often issues don’t come to light until a route is walked. Where there are busy roads, the walk tries to utilise formal crossing points, traffic islands, refuge, traffic lights, dropped kerbs etc. but this is less of an issue on quieter local side roads where informal crossings can be used. The walk must take account of users different abilities. There has been a request for the walk to happen again in 2019 as part of Sherwood Art Week. Good quality photos are needed for the leaflet, such as of Wooodthorpe Grange, or the Sherwood mural on Winchester Street;
(b) Liz Cordle has been starting to develop a route in Bulwell, particularly around the River Leen area. A community activator in the area will be leading some history walks as part of Bulwell Arts Week;
(c) a new health walk Best Foot Forward has been trialled in Clifton on Thursday afternoons, with a request to re-run the Clifton guided walk from the Neighbourhood Development Officer;
(d) the Active Ten initiative is ongoing, with some analysis of visitor numbers to the website and downloads of the leaflets taking place as part of this;
(e) independent participants are required to walk the Bulwell route to assess its suitability.
RESOLVED to note the update. |
Update from the Planning sub group PDF 702 KB Minutes: Margaret Knowles updated the Forum on the Planning sub group, highlighting the following points:
(a) the Local Plan part 2 has been submitted and an inspector appointed. A three week hearing will likely be held in September. Groups who commented were invited to attend the hearing, however no response was forthcoming from Planning sub group members, so it was presumed that the previous comments stand and attendance was not required;
(b) the Planning sub group extended their gratitude to John Lee for circulating the step by step guide. Comments on the guide are welcomed, and it can be updated accordingly;
(c) very few relevant planning applications have come through for comment, so the system has not been worked through with any degree of concern so far;
(d) two applications have come through in June which are worth review. One is the stopping up on the corner of Raleigh Street and Stoneleigh Street, to move the pavement out in line with a new development. It will be re-instated and re-widened, retains adequate footway, narrows the road, and adds two trees, so the footway changes will not be an issue. There may be objections from utility companies. The second involves the conversion of the Parliament Street chapel to apartments. This was previously withdrawn for technical reasons, but has now been re-submitted.
RESOLVED to note the update. |
Update from the Definitive Map sub group Minutes: Chris Thompson and Nick Hynes updated the Forum on the Definitive Map sub group, highlighting the following points:
(a) new members of the Definitive Map sub group are always welcome to join;
(b) two new sections have been added from Meadows Way to Arkwright Walk, and one through King’s Walk from Bridlesmith Gate to Fletcher Gate;
(c) following recent flooding, Bromley House library is now open again, so the Definitive Map group can arrange a visit. The maps were not affected by the flooding. Friday afternoons at the library would be an ideal time for a visit as they tend to be quieter;
(d) information on the path off of Winchester Street, which runs alongside the water course and leads through to the allotments and Woodthorpe Park, is still being collated by the sub group;
(e) there is a commitment to claim all paths by 1 January 2026. John Lee has done a fantastic job and the sub group wish to thank him for the work he’s done;
(f) the Definitive Map is online and is searchable;
(g) there are many post-war housing estates with paths similar to those within the Meadows, and most are owned by the City Council, so may be suitable candidates to claim as public rights of way, subject to valid claims being made supported by documentary evidence.
RESOLVED to note the update. |
Update from the Local Neighbourhoods and Environment sub group Minutes: In the absence of Ruth Thurgood, John Lee briefly updated the Forum on the Local Neighbourhoods and Environment sub group. The sub group is still looking for more direction and lead, and its remit also covers clutter-busting in order to make streets more user friendly.
RESOLVED to note the update. |
Public Rights of Way Improvement Schemes and Orders Presentation by John Lee Minutes: John Lee gave an update to the Forum on two recent public rights of way issues:
(a) a recent claim has been made to add a footpath between Private Road and Victoria Crescent in Mapperley Park to the definitive map and statement as a public footpath. An adjacent property has installed gates across the path, which has triggered the claim. Investigations are ongoing;
(b) as part of the Nottingham Enterprise Zone, a dedication agreement is being progressed for a path through the Boots site, from Thane Road, running east then north to the railway line. An agreement is also being progressed with Network Rail to erect a footbridge over the railway line, after which the path will run through the Tennis Centre site and link to George Green Way and University Boulevard. It will become an important strategic north-south link. The Council’s Trusts and Charities Committee has given its consent to the work at the Tennis Centre. Hopefully it will be in place by Christmas, with the bridge being installed over the August bank holiday weekend, subject to slippage. The bridge and path will be fully lit. This scheme has been ongoing for a number of years, so it’s very positive that it is now nearing completion.
RESOLVED to note the update. |
Foot / Cycle Bridge Proposals Update on the Foot / Cycle Bridge Proposals, Trent Basin to Lady Bay, from Hugh McClintock and John Rhodes Additional documents: Minutes: Hugh McClintock and John Rhodes gave a presentation to the Forum on the foot / cycle bridge proposals at Trent Basin, as circulated with the first publication of the minutes. They highlighted the following points:
(a) relevant parties both sides of the River Trent are supportive of the proposals, which have been in development for four years, working jointly with Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, and Sustrans. The initial plan for a bridge on this part of the river was proposed by Nottingham City Council around 20 years ago, but did not have support from Rushcliffe Borough Council at that time;
(b) the site now proposed for the bridge is further upstream. It was previously proposed for the bottom of Trent Lane to northwest corner of the hook, but this presented problems with phase two of the Trent Basin development. The bridge will now be around 1,000 metres upstream, at bottom of the Trent Basin itself, incorporating a bridge over the bottom of the Basin as well, which will add connectivity for commuters and leisure purposes, and extend the path along the riverside. Part of the planning conditions for the Trent Basin development involves a continuous pedestrian link along the river front;
(c) there is support in principle for the scheme from Councillor Jon Collins, Leader of Nottingham City Council. Good connections have been established with Nottinghamshire County Councillors, and meetings will take place with them to secure their support, as with Rushcliffe Borough Councillors. A feasibility study is mostly complete, after which the search for funding will start;
(d) the bridge proposal feeds in to the current LCWIP exercise with D2N2. It would be beneficial to have the proposals included in the LCWIP, to be in the agreed framework, as this will increase the chances of being successful for funding bids.
There followed a number of questions and comments from the Forum, and some further information was provided:
(e) funding exercises take a lot of time, and it is important to get local community support, from local residents and community associations. Word has spread, and the local residents who have been consulted in Trent Basin all seem to support the proposals;
(f) a section of the public footpath south of the river is permissive only for cyclists and the current land owner wishes to rescind that permission at the end of the 20 year period. A case is being presented for it to be considered as a bridleway, presenting evidence of its use as such before the permissive use. There is a drop in session at the Poppy and Pint in the Lady Bay area on 5 July from 5pm to 9pm.
RESOLVED to note the update. |
Suggestions for future agenda items Minutes: Future agenda items will include the two items deferred from this meeting (Ridewise Presentation and Long Stairs Update), an item on communications, and information on pop-up community cycling centres. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Edmund Hopkins was welcomed to the Local Access Forum. |