Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Liz Cordle Helen Hemstock Councillor Dave Liversidge Nigel Sarsfield Ruth Thurgood Hillary Yates
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 258 KB Held on 9 January 2019 (for confirmation) Minutes: Subject to including Helen Hemstock as in attendance, the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2019 were confirmed as a true record. |
SUSTAINING URBAN HABITATS (POLICY AND GOVERNANCE) Amanda Winter and Nguyen Que Huong Le of University of Nottingham to report. Minutes: Huong Le and Amanda Winter, students of Nottingham University, updated the Forum on their research findings to date which included the following:
(a) The research is part of Leverhulme Project: Sustaining Urban Habitats, with regard to Policy and Place, comparing air quality and pollution issue themes of Shanghai and Nottingham and the local understanding and governance approach taken by each city to address those issues;
(b) The approaches to environmental commitments is also included in the research for which Nottingham is excelling with a publicly owned energy company and environmentally friendly public transport;
(c) The local profiles of citizen’s health in each city are also considered although in China the perception of vulnerable groups is very different to Britain with females classed as vulnerable as they do most of the cooking;
(d) Car ownership is similar in each city;
(e) Findings in Shanghai showed that there was a different public opinion and a general acceptance of pollution compared to Nottingham, although the population density is similar and in China, air quality is reported as regularly as the weather in Britain;
(f) Having compared 3 air pollution maps of Shanghai from different data sources, it is apparent that although there are similarities, the results are not consistent, which illustrates that pollution data is not yet fully reliable;
(g) Shanghai still has heavy industry within the City boundary so this has become a focus, whilst in Nottingham, without heavy industry, there is a focus on addressing vehicle pollution.
(1) to record the thanks of the Forum to Huong Le and Amanda Winter for their attendance and presentation;
(2) for John Lee to circulate the presentation to members of the forum following the meeting.
ROAD SAFETY IN NOTTINGHAM Scott-Talbot-Hartshorne, Road Safety and Traffic Control Officer for Nottingham City Council, to report. Minutes: Scott Talbot-Hartshorne, Nottingham City Council Service Manager for Road Safety, was in attendance to inform the Forum of the work and remit of his Team.
The following points were highlighted and questions responded to:
(a) Incidents for the past 5 years where citizens have been injured or killed, are recorded on a map of the City which is then used to identify areas of concern on which resources can be focused to try and address issues and prevent further incidents;
(b) On average there are approximately 100 incidents reported per year (including a fatality in 2018) but Nottingham’s roads are some of the safest in the region;
(c) In addition to the human cost, the financial cost to the general economy of casualties/fatalities can be in the region of £2m, whilst addressing the issues which may contribute to incidents can be averaged to approximately £65k;
(d) The Road Safety Team is called upon by several departments within the Council, including assessing and advising on planning applications and proposals, events and education. Although the Road Safety Team do not have any statutory powers, if road safety advice is provided to developers but not acted upon, if an incident occurs and results in a fatality, the developer may be charged with corporate manslaughter;
(e) Generally, road safety advice is well received but with regard to some vehicle drivers intimidating cyclists, including passing too closely, it is advised that cyclists report this to the Police, particularly if they have film evidence;
(f) Schools within the City are encouraged to take part in an annual road safety quiz, for which the highest scoring schools are invited to a quiz final and awards event. The average quiz score is 76% and this year 73 schools (96%) are participating, with the quiz final, involving 10 schools, will be held on 9 May 2019;
(g) Children and young people are also encouraged to learn how to ride a bicycle safely with Year 6 pupils having the opportunity to take part in ‘Bikeability’, which was formerly known as the ‘cycling proficiency test’;
(h) In participating schools, sixth form pupils have the opportunity to take a BTech Level 2 in driving and driver education. It is hoped that this course can be made available to other groups;
(i) In locations where there have been 2 or more incidents reported in a year, the site is assessed to identify where and how safety improvements can feasibly be achieved;
(j) An annual report on road safety and incidents is undertake across the whole City and by ward, and circulated to Councillors as they are the only source of funding for road safety improvements, with no other routes to attract external funding;
(k) Where consistent speeding concerns are raised, there are several successful options including bellisa beacons, road humps and doll bollards - which were first introduced in Nottingham in 2005, and which are now used nationwide;
(l) Road safety issues were considered in detail with regard to the tram works relating ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
UPDATE FROM THE WALKS SUBGROUP Minutes: Members of the Walks Sub Group jointly delivered a brief update presentation.
The following points were highlighted:
(a) Over 50 people enjoyed the Sherwood and Carrington walk launch on 12 January 2019;
(b) Chris’s Bestwood walk is nearing completion but a launch date is yet to be confirmed;
(c) Development of further walks are proposed for: o Aspley and Bilborough (Steve) o St Ann’s (Chris & TBC) o City – Accessible walk (Chris and Hilary) o Bulwell/ Bulwell Forest (Liz);
(d) It is hoped that another Sherwood led walk can be provided for the Sherwood Art Week;
(e) There is potential to hold an evening walk (or other activity) to support Nottingham Clean Air Day an 20 June 2019;
(f) Cross references have been provided on LAF website to Nottsguidedwalks website and vice versa to support easier visibility of these resources;
(g) A link has been provided from LAF website to Chris Matthews walking and cycling leaflets;
(h) John Lee is working with Friends of the Forest regarding signage for the Enclosure Walk;
(i) The group has discussed the best locations for the limited number of printed walk leaflets, but without agreement;
(j) Jack has left the group but Laura Dominguez is welcomed and joins Liz, Chris, Ian, Steve, Margaret, Hilary and Laura Marshall on the sub group;
(k) Any suggestions from members of the Forum regarding walks is welcomed.
AGREED to note the update and congratulate everyone involved in the successful work of the group to date. |
UPDATE FROM THE PLANNING SUBGROUP Minutes: Margaret Knowles delivered a presentation which updates the Forum on the activity of the Planning subgroup.
The following points were highlighted and questions from the Forum responded to:
(a) The Inspector for the Nottingham Local Plan Part 2 has issued a letter following on from the close of the Examination last year. This sets out recommended modifications that, in the Inspector's view, are required to ensure that the Plan is sound and legally compliant. Once the Inspector is satisfied with the schedule of potential main modifications, there will be six weeks of public consultation. Currently planned for May to June 2019, this will be limited to the proposed main modifications, changes to the policies map and the updated sustainability assessment. The Council will then report the main issues raised and the Council’s response to these to the Inspector in July. The Inspector’s report is expected in late Summer 2019;
(b) The Planning subgroup screening and commenting on Planning Applications has continued, with two people working for a month at a time. Up to 25 March, no applications which have been submitted in the last three months, have been identified of interest to the Forum;
(c) So that those reading the subgroup comments on planning applications can see what the LAF is and the users groups it represents, one of the following preambles could be included. The Forum is asked to comment on the options:
i. The Nottingham Local Access Forum is an independent group of local volunteers created by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to advise the local planning and other authorities on proposals affecting walking, riding and access to open and green spaces (see and Section 94 CROW Act 2000; Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007).
ii. The Nottingham Local Access Forum (NLAF) is the advisory body established by Nottingham City Council (the Council) under an obligation imposed by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. It is a statutory function of NLAF to give advice to the Council on matters relevant to public access, including how such access may be affected by proposals received in planning applications. In reaching decisions on planning applications the Council is obliged to have regard to any comments NLAF may make.
iii. The Nottingham Local Access Forum is a statutory advisor made up of volunteers who advise the Council and other relevant bodies (Section 94 bodies under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) on the improvement of public rights of way and access to and through Nottingham.
(d) With regard to the development of York House, it is a concern that doors open outwards straight onto the footpath, which can be dangerous. It’s clear that something has gone wrong in the process so Margaret and Hugh will formally write to the Planners, particularly as the subgroup had not had a chance to comment;
(e) With regard to the proposed Unity Square development, there is concern regarding a well established cycling and pedestrian route which should not ... view the full minutes text for item 77. |
UPDATE FROM THE DEFINITIVE MAP SUBGROUP Minutes: Chris Thompson, presented the update with contributions from Nick Hynes and Mike Mewse.
The following points were highlighted and discussions held:
(a) Recent and current applications submitted to record paths on the Definitive Map and Statement includes:
• The Meadows –Meadows Way to Arkwright Walk • Park Tunnel • Truswell Yard • Byard Lane • Norfolk Place • Parliament Terrace
(b) A path running along the River Leen between Wilkinson Street and Church Street is being considered for an application but landowners need to be identified;
(c) Access on Sussex Street dates back to the 1840s but as the landowner is NCC, instead of processing the application, NCC dedicated the route a right of way;
(d) A long history of use is important and the access route needs to be considered as reasonable. If there are objections, then a public inquiry may be required;
AGREED to record the thanks of the Forum to the Definitive Map Group for their update and work. |
UPDATE FROM NEIGHBOURHOOD AND ENVIRONMENT SUBGROUP Minutes: Brendan McCabe presented the update from the Neighbourhood and Environment subgroup and highlighted the following points:
(a) The group has been trying to define an agreement or principles of what the group would do, but discussion kept returning to ensuring that routes were clear of litter;
(b) Where possible there is an intention to link with ward councillors on litter picks to help raise the profile of the LAF;
(c) Clarity was sought on the status of ‘green ways’. Although not having a legal status, like bridleways and footpaths do, the term generally refers to routes running along disused railway lines, and may also be a bridleway, footpath;
(d) The Council is running a ‘Spring Clean’ programme across the City with a lot of community events, including litter picks, and is keen to increase the numbers of ‘green champions’. Funding of up to £300 is available for Spring Clean community events.
AGREED to thank Brendan and the Neighbourhood and Environment subgroup for their update. |
UPDATE ON PROPOSALS FOR THE FOOT/CYCLE BRIDGE LINKING LADY BAY TO TRENT BASIN Minutes: Hugh McClintock and John Rhodes provided a brief update on the progress around proposals for the foot and cycle bridge linking Lady Bay Bridge to Trent Basin. The following points were reported;
(a) There have been further discussions with Blueprint which wants to move the bridge landing towards the bottom of Poulton Drive, with the other landing on the bank by the rugby club, with the theory that it would be a more community beneficial site. The group’s feasibility and strategy reports will be re-submitted, in line with the revised planning process. It is hoped that there will be a positive funding outcome for the bridge application by 18 April. If this is the case, then it is possible that the bridge could be in use within 4 years, dependant on the speed of the Blueprint development;
(b) Concerns have been raised about the restriction of foot and cycle space on both Trent and Lady Bay Bridges due to the anti-terrorist barriers. This new bridge will provide an alternative route.
AGREED to note the update and thank Hugh and John Rhodes for the update. |
UPDATE ON APPOINTMENT OF NEW CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Minutes: John Lee informed the Forum that as he had not received any expressions of interest from members in becoming Chair of the Forum, Ruth is happy to continue in post. Having two joint Vice-Chairs has been working well so could continue.
Appointments and re-appointments will need to take place in April 2020, but Liz Cordle is happy to step into the vacant Joint Vice-Chair position until that time.
AGREED unanimously that Liz Cordle is appointed Joint Vice-Chair until April 2020. |
LAF CONTRIBUTION TO THE CLEAN AIR DAY ON 20 JUNE 2019 - SUGGESTIONS/IDEAS INVITED Minutes: Clean Air day is on 20 June 2019 and Forum members were asked if there is anything they wish to do to be involved? The Nottingham Clean Air Action Group will be taking part and the City Council would welcome the involvement of LAF members. Details of events and activities on the day are yet to be confirmed, but could include a walk around the City Centre.
Whilst both London and Glasgow now have ultra-low emission (ULE) zones, there is ambition for Nottingham to have the same but Central Government first requires reductions in particulate and CO2 pollution, for which progress has been substantial. The City Council has promoted and supported the upgrade of City based buses to environmentally friendly models, there has been a strong promotion of cycling and walking within the City, and taxi drivers are now to be supported to upgrade to more environmentally acceptable models.
Nottingham City aims to be carbon neutral by 2028 but the target is likely to be met ahead of schedule, which means that there will be no need to establish ultra-low emission areas, particularly as the cost of establishing an ULE zones is significant. Smaller measures such as ‘turn your engine off’ signs across the City at traffic lights and level crossings would be welcomed.
Community Protection Officers can issue fixed penalty notices to drivers parked with idling engines and the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Localities, Councillor Dave Trimble, aspires to plant 4,000 trees in the City to help accelerate the CO2 level reductions.
AGREED for any members of the Forum interested in supporting the Clean Air Day events or have ideas for activities, to contact the Chair and Vice Chairs and copy-in John Lee. |
SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Minutes: The following suggestions were made for future agenda items:
o Ridewise, particularly as Helen Hemstock is now a member of the group; o The Transport Strategy Team, regarding walking and cycling; o ‘Massing developments’ which can illustrate how a development will fit in with the skyline and other building and sightlines ; o Communications Team on what they can offer to the group regarding positive publicity.
AOB Minutes: None. |
NEXT MEETING DATE To note that the next meeting is scheduled for 10 July 2019, at 6.30 pm in Loxley House. Minutes: AGREED to note that the next two meetings are scheduled for 10 July 2019 and 9 October 2019, both starting at 6.30pm in Loxley House. |