
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
Thursday, 11th July, 2024 4.30 pm

Venue: Gurdwara Sahib Miri Piri House - Gurdwara Sahib Miri Piri House. View directions

Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introduction to the Gurdwara


Apologies for absence


Declarations of Interest


Minutes pdf icon PDF 360 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2024


Matters arising

  • All Members: To reach out to their relevant contacts and encourage them to get accredited and listed with the RE Hubs project.


  • Councillor Cheryl Barnard: To write to David Wand to formally thank him for his years contributing to SACRE.


  • Heidi Shewell-Cooper: For meetings to be scheduled outside of Ramadan and Purim from the next academic year.


Proposed Dates 2024/5  Avoid – 2 October  - 28 June 7/8 days


Autumn: Thursday 17 October

Spring: Thursday 27 February: joint meeting with Nottinghamshire SACRE at Central Library, Nottingham

Summer: Thursday 17 July

All checked against a calendar of religious festivals


  • To arrange for roundtable discussions in smaller groups at the next meeting, as part of the SACRE self-evaluation. Item 6


  • To set up the Monitoring Sub-Group. See Item 9: LA Officer’s Report



SACRE self-evaluation exercise pdf icon PDF 200 KB


Constitution pdf icon PDF 350 KB

Additional documents:


The future of the Religious Studies Resource Centre: Ken Johnson pdf icon PDF 162 KB


LA Officer's update pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Additional documents:


Date and venue of next meeting