Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 20th October, 2020 2.00 pm, Executive Board

Venue:   To be held remotely via Zoom -

Contact:    Kate Morris, Constitutional Services, Tel: 0115 8764353

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance
Councillor David Mellen Chair Present
Councillor Cheryl Barnard Committee Member Present
Councillor Eunice Campbell-Clark Committee Member Present
Councillor Neghat Khan Committee Member Present
Councillor Rebecca Langton Committee Member Present
Councillor Sally Longford Vice Chair Present
Councillor Dave Trimble Committee Member Present
Councillor Adele Williams Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Sam Webster Committee Member Present
Councillor Linda Woodings Committee Member Present
Councillor Kevin Clarke Committee Member In attendance
Councillor Andrew Rule Committee Member In attendance
Richard Henderson Officer In attendance
Chris Deas Officer In attendance
Chris Henning Officer In attendance
Lucy Lee Officer In attendance
Nick Lee Officer Present as substitute
Laura Pattman Officer In attendance
Malcolm Townroe Officer In attendance
Hugh White Officer In attendance
Kate Morris Constitutional Services In attendance