Councillor Steve Battlemuch

Party: Labour

Ward: Wollaton West

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
LH Box 28
Loxley House
Station Street

Bus. phone:  07981 032 031


Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Steve was born in Bilborough in 1962 and educated at William Sharp and Bilborough College. Steve was a past president of the Nottingham Trade Union Council and since 2013 he has done a vast amount of casework for local people. Steve helped form the Friends of Wollaton Park group, ensured the new playground and café were built on the Park and consistently worked with residents on parking and speeding issues. Steve is a supporter and donor for Oxfam, War on Want, NSPCC and Nottingham Refugee Forum. Steve is a season ticket holder at Nottingham Forest and Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club and enjoys live comedy and theatre.